Release notes
- Added advanced search functionality to list of studies
- Reworked and improved upload UI
- Added new measurements: PWLVOT Vmax, PWLVOT VTI, ACT, SP (TDPWRVLW)
- Measurement labels are now hidden by default
- Added warning message when software is opened on mobile devices
- Improved image anonymization
- Reworked feature/cycle detection
- General UI improvements and bug fixes
- Images with annotation now will appear on top in right side drawer
- Its now possible to remove selected measurements from images
- Increased annotation line width
- Annotations handles now will increase when hovering on them
- Reimplemented geometry, shapes, calculations of axis and volumes
- Added TDPW semi-automation to auto measure functionality
- Added CWTV to auto measure
- Fixed an issue where auto-measurement would produce an error if started on not loaded image
- Fixed an issue where report editor would crash on anonymized study
- Fixed crash in report generation
- Fixed lav calculation and improved area-length
- Minor fixes for dicom analysis
- Report styling improvements
- Updated third party dependencies to the latest version if possible
- Updated to python 3.9 and node 16
- Scaling measurements text size based on measurements count.
- Auto-measuring on selected frame for A2CH, A4CH images.
- Automated segmentation on images with CW regions and PW regions.
- Converting from polygon to time line in a spectral wave dopler with proper regions data.
- Added cypress for E2E testing.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
- DIMSE C-MOVE operation testing.
- About, report issue, shortcut keys, help, manual dialogs updated.
- Favicon added.
- Storage modules refactored and additional automated tests.
- Anonymization settings added.
- RAMAD calculation fix.
- FE body background matched with top navbar.
- FE view router push dublication bug fix, overscroll bug fix
Known bugs:
- Some browsers do not support replaceAll method which raises „Vue TypeError this.$store.state.version.replaceAll is not a function“.
- Sometimes when drawing new annotations and measurements right after deleting some annotations with measurements the client gets error 404.
- DICOM files with transfer syntax of JPEG2000 cannot be decompressed.
- When opening studies with 4 DICOMs in it on image load the client sometimes gets: JS error: TypeError: cannot read property getBoundingClientRect of undefined…
- On frontend when drawing new annotation sometimes the user gets Cannot read property “id” of null error and the measurement related to the annotation is not saved.