Ligence Heart

For PACS that one to excel

Transform your cardiology offerings

Is your viewer advanced enough for the echocardiography?

Ligence Heart

For PACS that want to excel

Transform your cardiology offerings

Is your viewer advanced enough for echocardiography?

Yes, my clients love it

You offer your cardiac clients the option to review the studies, make measurements, display multiple images and much more!


A natural question for the best arises:

How will you innovate?

Yes, my clients love it

You offer your cardiac clients the option to review the studies, make measurements, display multiple images and much more!


A natural question for the best arises:

How will you innovate?

Hard way

Measurements taken by a cardiologist

Easy way

Measurements taken using Ligence Heart automatisation function

Hire gold worth a deep-learning engineering team and launch a 5- year project to provide automatic measurements to your beloved clients? Go through the hurdles, costs and risks in regulatory and clinical validation processes?


Let Ligence pre-process your studies – make automatic measurements in DICOM SR or DICOM GSPS – and let the user modify the measurements in the UX of your PACS?

Hard way

Measurements taken by a cardiologist

Easy way

Measurements taken using Ligence Heart automatisation function

Hire gold worth a deep-learning engineering team and launch a 5- year project to provide automatic measurements to your beloved clients? Go through the hurdles, costs and risks in regulatory and clinical validation processes?


Let Ligence pre-process your studies – make automatic measurements in DICOM SR or DICOM GSPS – and let the user modify the measurements in the UX of your PACS?

No, my echoviewer has basic functionalities

The importance of cardiology departments will only grow, so it’s great that you are making a strategic decision to get out of your comfort zone, i.e. classic radiology, and step up your game in cardiology.

Good news, you don’t need years of hard engineering work, multimillion investment and deal with hurdles and risks in regulatory and clinical validation processes. Ligence has it covered for you.

Integrate with our HTLM5 Dicom Viewer with automatic measurements and get ahead of big players in just a few months!

Karolis Šablauskas

Head of Product
Our integration strategy prioritizes compatibility and reliability, aiming to empower PACS and their clients
Karolis Sablauskas LIgence

Want to discuss further?

Our integration strategy prioritizes compatibility and reliability, aiming to empower PACS and their clients

Karolis Šablauskas

Head of Product
Karolis Sablauskas LIgence

Want to discuss further?